Today we are going to show you 11 examples of advertising and marketing that contain subliminal messages.

However, this doesn’t mean that companies have abandoned their marketing strategies altogether, in a smart move, they have chosen a more subtle way: marketing with a subliminal message. Over the last years, quite a few laws have been passed that prohibit the advertising of products such as alcohol and tobacco. You remember him, don’t you? “When advertising is prohibited, make it subliminal” Another of the mythical examples of subliminal messages selling sex is Joe, the face of the cigarette brand Camel. Its not only Disney that has subliminal messages, so too do the logos of tobacco brands. Do you know what image that cloud of dust created? The word “SEX”. There is a moment in the film, when the main character lies down at the edge of a cliff creating a cloud of dust. The most famous is from the film The Lion King. The same thing has happened in scenes from other films. However, the phrase has stuck in peoples minds ever since. Although when this came to light, Disney brushed it off by saying that it was just bad locution on the part of the voice actor. Like Aladdin for example, in the original film there is a scene where the main character says: “Good teenagers take off your clothes”.

And it is suggested by many experts that many of their films contain subliminal messages that incite sex. One of the classic examples in marketing with a subliminal message is Disney. Many of the subliminal messages that have been found up to now are usually related to sex or religion in some way, and although they are not easy to detect when they are, they cause a lot of controversies.